The World’s First
Trump is successfully using the agency of the Presidential
Office to enrich himself. He is on track
to become the world’s first Trillionaire.
The Ceremonial Head
of State
Trump has delegated daily operation of the administration to
his chief strategist and senior counselor Stephen Bannon. Stephen Bannon is operating from the White
House as Trump’s Prime Minister. He has
consolidated his power over the administration to become the acknowledged real power
behind the throne. Bannon is on course
in his mission to make America White Again.
The Pay to Play
In the Trump Administration, the enforcement or
non-enforcement of laws and regulations is based upon what’s best for the
Trump’s business empire. Everything has
a price. To achieve favorable treatment,
present Trump with a gift. Once the gift
has been accepted or renegotiated to an acceptable gift, you can be assured of
the enthusiastic cooperation of the Trump Administration.
Prove we support the
Trump Administration
Diplomats, federal government suppliers and federal
government workers, offer proof of their support of the Trump Administration by
selecting Trump branded products.
Halt to all Non-White
Christian Heterosexual Immigration to the U. S.
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress (as
ordered by Bannon) are engaged in the process of pushing a constitutional
amendment to halt permanently all non-White Christian heterosexual immigration
into the United States.
New laws define U.S.
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress (as
ordered by Bannon) are engaged in the process of pushing a constitutional
amendment to deny US citizenship to children born in the United States if both
parents are not U.S. citizens and White.
Identification Card Required of Non-White Citizens
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress (as
ordered by Bannon) are engaged in the process of requiring all non-White Us
Citizens and U.S. residents to possess a national identification card to verify
their citizenship.
Two Classes of U.S.
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress is
engaged in the process of creating a constitutional amendment to create two
classes of U.S. citizenship. The First
Class Citizens have full voting rights, preference in employment, preference in
receiving government services and their children are born as U.S.
Citizens. First class is reserved for the
founding White Christian heterosexual Citizens. Second class citizenship is reserved for all
other U. S. Citizens. There is no voting
rights associated this this group. Their
children must be naturalized to become US citizens.
Constitution Amendment
on Marriage.
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress are engaged
in the process of creating a constitutional amendment to limit marriage to a
heterosexual men and women.
Only English Can be
spoken in the Public Space Laws.
The Trump Administration and the Republican Congress is
engaged in the process of creating a constitutional amendment to require
English only be used in government communications and in public spaces.
Police exempted from
violations of U.S. Law
Public policies supports the use of deadly force by law
enforcement officials in any incident they deem that such force is needed. White Christian heterosexual citizens are exempted
from this law. Law enforcement
officials must have justification when engaging those citizens.
Presidential Reality
TV Show on the Trump Network
Trump is the owner, producer and star of his Presidential
reality TV show. He has revived his
catch phrase “You’re fired!” Weekly he
gives assignment to governments officials to improve the bottom line of his
business empire. Fans watch as he fires,
on his weekly live presidential TV broadcast, an unfortunate government worker.